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Great Teachers

At STEAM Education we resolutely believe that success stems from exceptional teaching practices, attentive administration, wonderful families and responsible students.

Great teachers inspire great students.

That’s why at STEAM Education, we pay close attention to how we train and support both our new and experienced educators 

  • As part of our teaching philosophy, our teachers: 
  • systematically develop students’ learning skills so that they become independent. 
  • use assessment to help students reflect on what they know and help them set targets for the future. 
  • use stimulating activities in well-placed lessons; and 
  • create a purposeful atmosphere that promotes good learning. 
  • actively engage students in their own learning. 

We benefit from the best-practice teaching methods shared by professional educators all over the world but some of our freshest ideas come from listening to our students and their families. We make it our business to pass on what we learn to others because our goal is to provide an exceptional education to as many as possible.